Lobster Stock Demo

Lobster Stock Demo

I find myself with leftover lobster tail shells occasionally, thanks to a OceanBox.com, a client of mine (I make their recipe videos). (Use this affiliate link for a 10% discount off your first order).

And I never regret making this Lobster Stock. Here’s how I’ve perfected this process:

Lobster Stock

4-5 lobster tail shells
3 tbsp high quality light olive oil
1/4 cup dry vermouth (or white wine)
1 carrot, sliced
1 leek, sliced
1 small bay leaf
vegetable or her bouillon (or bouquet garni)
4-5 cups water (or enough to completely cover the shells)
pinch of saffron, optional

Heat oil over medium high heat and add shells, broken into small pieces. Stir to cover the shells in oil and cook for 5 minutes to deepen flavor. Add vermouth and cook for 5 minutes. Add carrot and leek and cook for 5 minutes. Add bay leaf and aromatics; cover shells with water. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook, covered, for 30 minutes. Crush & steep saffron, if using, for 10 minutes in 1/4 cup of hot stock. Remove stock from heat and strain. Stir in steeped saffron. Keep in frig for up to 5 days or in freezer for up to 6 months.

And a longer conversation on when to use good olive oil along with a longer demo of the stock on YouTube.

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