Shaved Brussels Sprouts & Einkorn Salad with Soy-Mustard Dressing

Shaved Brussels Sprouts & Einkorn Salad with Soy-Mustard Dressing

Ever find your brussels sprouts too far gone to roast? Or only have 5-6 of them? Or just don’t want to roast them? Make this ideal little dish for getting more greens and whole grains into your diet.

Shaved Brussels Sprouts & Einkorn with Soy-Mustard Dressing


1/8 medium yellow onion
4 oz Brussels Sprouts
½ tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup cooked farro, einkorn, or wheat berries
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds

1/2 tablespoon tamari (or soy sauce)
1/2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon mirin (or rice vinegar with 2 pinches of sugar)
1/2 teaspoon stone ground mustard
a few cracks of freshly ground black pepper
Pinch crushed red pepper flakes (optional)

Recipe summary (see video for specific instructions): Cook grains per directions. Cook onion and brussels sprouts until tender (8-11 minutes total). Whisk together dressing ingredients. Stir into grains and sprouts. Serve at room temperature. Makes 2 servings.

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